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The City of Mist

The City of Mist

Author(s): Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Carlos Ruiz Zafon), Lucia Graves (translator)

Location(s): Barcelona

Genre(s): Historical, In Translation, Short Stories

Era(s): Various

A boy decides to become a writer when he discovers that his creative gifts capture the attentions of an aloof young beauty who has stolen his heart.

A labyrinth maker flees Constantinople to a plague ridden Barcelona, with plans for building a library impervious to the destruction of time.

A strange gentleman tempts Cervantes to write a book like no other, each page of which could prolong the life of the woman he loves.

And a brilliant Catalan architect named Antoni Gaudí reluctantly agrees to cross the ocean to New York, a voyage that will determine the fate of an unfinished masterpiece.

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