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The Frost on His Shoulders

The Frost on His Shoulders

Author(s): Lorenzo Mediano

Location(s): The Pyrenees (Catalonia)

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): 1930s



The 1930s, and an ageing, badly paid school teacher lives in a small, isolated village at the foot of the Pyrenees. One day he and the rest of the inhabitants stumble upon a short newspaper article about their own village, misreporting certain recent events. Outraged, the school teacher writes to the newspaper and sets the record straight. With echoes of timeless fairy tales and Shakespearean tragedy, masterfully told it is a captivating account of the power of human emotions, and also an allegorical depiction of Spain on the eve of the Civil War.

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A beautifully written novel set in the Spanish Pyrenees, allegorical and engrossing – Lex Reader –

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