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The Rug Bazaar

The Rug Bazaar

Author(s): Marylee MacDonald

Location(s): Istanbul (Constantinople)

Genre(s): Short Stories

Era(s): contemporary

Two American women. Two Turkish men. In exotic Istanbul everyone’s on the make.

“A duet of stories that flies in the face of anything you’d think a love story could be. These are independent stories, yet, as a pair, they harmonize. In music, we might call this “call and response,” how one instrument follows another, and, in following, comments on the first. I’ll leave it to the reader to pick the order in which these two pieces might best be read. But, surely, read them both! Much of the beauty of ‘The Rug Bazaar’ is to be found in the way one story complements another.–David James Poissant, judge of the Jeanne M. Leiby Chapbook Contest.

The Rug Bazaar features two American women, unmoored from the normal lives. Each discovers the pleasures and dangers of liaisons with Turkish men.

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