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Adventure Caravanning with Dogs: To Hel In A Hound Cart

Author(s): Jacqueline Lambert

Location(s): Europe

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): Present Day

“If you are an animal lover, you will love her books. If you like to travel, you will love her books. If you like to read memoirs, you will love her books.” Dawne Archer, author of ‘Trekker Girl Morocco Bound’.
“Go to Hel.”

The Polish local wasn’t being rude. She was describing Hel, Poland, well known for its fine beaches and windsurfing.

Ever since Jackie and Mark packed themselves and their four Cavapoo pups into their ‘hound cart’ (RV trailer) to tour Europe, they’ve learned lessons about overcoming obstacles – much more than they ever imagined.

Soon after they left, everything they knew about travelling changed.

COVID-19 stranded them in Italy, where they were forbidden to set foot outside their garden. Finally released from Italian lockdown, with borders closed and their own home rented out, they could not return to the UK. With only a rough idea where their wanderlust might take them, their adventures soon start stacking up. If you ever wanted to learn what full-time RV life is really like, this is the book for you.

From Italy to France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland, travel alongside our intrepid explorers as they navigate precipitous cliff-side roads, geopolitical unrest, and borders closing, with the spectre of COVID continually looming over them.

Will they go to Hel in a hound cart, or will that be what happens to their plans?

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