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El Mono

El Mono

Author(s): Tony Cleaver

Location(s): Bogota, Colombia

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): Modern



When Karin Roth goes to Bogotá as an exchange student she quickly falls in love with the country and its people. Lively, attractive, and opinionated, she soon has a wide circle of Colombian friends, and is studying and partying in equal measure. A trip to stay in a friend’s fincaor farm, however, awakens her to the beauty and grandeur of the Colombian landscape while an encounter with the strange, fair-headed El Mono, a mountain man with a profound, near-mystical connection to the Andean people and wildlife, conjures deep, troubling emotions. Offered a summer internship in a multinational in Bogotá, she finds her loyalties are divided. Caught between the dazzling, cosmopolitan world of big business and the exhilarating freedom of the mountains and the pueblos, she must undergo a painful journey towards self-knowledge and redemption.

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This is a thriller that keeps up the suspense and is such an evocative portrayal of Colombia, the wild and beautiful landscape

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