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The Lake

The Lake

Author(s): Banana Yoshimoto

Location(s): Tokyo

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern



A young woman moves to Tokyo after the death of her mother, hoping to overcome her grief and start a career as a graphic artist. But she spends her time staring out of the window, only to realise that there is a young man across the street staring out of his window too. They eventually embark on a hesitant romance, until she learns that he is the victim of a childhood trauma. Visiting two of his friends who live a monastic life beside a beautiful lake, she begins to piece together clues that reveal that his troubled past includes a bizarre religious cult.

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The Lake is written in a simple and unassuming form which gives a lovely rhythm to the book. Chihiro’s Mother has just died as the book opens. Leaving her small town behind Chihiro moves...

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